作 者: ;
机构地区: 安徽大学政治学系
出 处: 《江南社会学院学报》 2009年第1期50-53,共4页
摘 要: 从国家认同观的视角看待台湾当局两岸统独政策,是研究台湾政治发展和两岸政治关系的一个重要课题;在"中国"国家认同观下,蒋介石、蒋经国时期形成了"两岸统一"政策;在"台湾定位"国家认同观下,李登辉时期制定了"两岸分治"政策;在"台湾"国家认同观下,陈水扁时期推行了"台湾独立"政策;在走向"一个中国"国家认同观下,马英九时期确立了"两岸终极统一"政策。 It is an imortant task to study Taiwan s political development and cross-strait political relations from the perspective of national identity which can help view independence or reunification policy of the Taiwan authorities.With "China" as the concept of national identity,Chiang Kai-shek and Chiang Ching-kuo adopted the "reunification" policy.With "Taiwan-oriented" as the concept of national identity,Lee Teng-hui produced "cross-strait division" policy.With "Taiwan" as the concept of national identity,Chen...