机构地区: 中国足球协会
出 处: 《广州体育学院学报》 2008年第6期8-10,共3页
摘 要: 采用文献资料、调查访问等研究方法,对国内外职业运动员足球转会的制度进行研究,分析了我国自1994年足球职业化改革以来的球员转会规定的变化发展,总结了当前国内职业足球运动员转会过程存在的主要问题,并提出了改革我国职业足球运动员转会制度的相关建议,以期为相关决策部门在制定我国职业足球运动员的转会制度方面提供参考。 By literature review and investigating interview,this paper conducts a research about the transfer system of professional football players in China and overseas.The authors analyzed the changes and developments of football players transfer system since the year 1994 when Chinese professional football reform began,and summarized the primary problems in process of Chinese professional football players transference currently.It proposes some pertinence suggestions about how to perfect the professional footba...