机构地区: 浙江大学管理学院
出 处: 《商业研究》 2002年第16期103-106,共4页
摘 要: 中国加入WTO ,民营企业迎来新一轮大发展的机遇 ,而其金融支持却显得十分不足。借鉴WTO成员国的经验 ,在新的形势下 ,应从以下几个方面进行民营企业融资途径的创新 :充分发挥各类金融机构对民营企业的信贷支持作用 ;建立健全民营企业的信用担保体系 ;建立全方位的资本市场 ;创造有利于民营企业融资的政策法律环境及提高民营企业自身素质。 The non-governmental enterprises achieve a good chance to develop rapidly after China's accession to WTO,but their financial support appears to be very insufficient, Drawing lessons from the members of WTO, this article puts forward several countermeasures to innovate the non-governmental enterprises' financing: making full use of the finance institution's credit support to the non-governmental enterprises;creating collateral system for the enterprises;setting up all-sidedly capital markers; evolving a good polcy and law for the non-govornmental enterprises; improving the enterprises' own quality.
领 域: [经济管理]