机构地区: 建设科技
出 处: 《工程抗震与加固改造》 2008年第4期56-59,共4页
摘 要: 外廊式单跨多层砖房在甘肃陇南灾区中小学教学楼、机关办公楼中广泛采用,这次5.12汶川大地震及5.18、5.25等强余震后普遍发生了程度不同的震害,少量工程震害相当严重,已接近倒塌。本文在考察甘肃陇南地区的武都、成县、康县、徽县、两当五个市县该类房屋的基础上,就其震害进行了描述,并针对该类房屋的结构及受力特点分析了震害原因,进而提出了抗震设计的若干建议,供设计参考。 The gallery type single-span multilayer brick houses are widely applied to teaching buildings of primary and middle schools and governmental office buildings in Longnan Region.During the Wenchuan earthquake on May 12^(th) and aftershocks occurring on May 18th and May 25^(th),etc.,all of these houses suffered from seismic damages to different extents and some suffered from serious seismic damages,even next to collapse.In this paper,based on the survey on houses of this kind in five counties of Longnan Region...