机构地区: 中山大学
出 处: 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 2005年第S1期75-78,共4页
摘 要: 测量了经18年自然老化后的TGS单晶的微分电滞回线,发现回线的形状与未老化的样品类似,故称其为隐性老化.老化的样品经热处理后,回线峰位,峰高出现显著变化,甚至出现双峰,表现出明显的老化特性,隐性老化被显性化了.老化的原因可归结为环境空气中的水分子吸附在晶片四周表面上,使晶体有些微区水解形成缺陷;以及这些缺陷向晶体内的扩散. Differential hysteresis loop of TGS single crystal has been measured. The TGS sample has been stored over 18 years and can be seemed as completely aged. Aging property of the sample is recessive, while it s loop is similar to that of an un-aged sample. After heat treatment, peak position and height of differential loop change significantly, and differ form that of an un-aged sample, recessive aging change to be dominant. Aging can be described to the adsorption of H_ 2 O molecules on the surface of the samp...