机构地区: 广东省农业科学院
出 处: 《分子植物育种》 2006年第z1期79-84,共6页
摘 要: 香蕉是热带亚热带发展中国家重要的粮食作物和碳水化合物来源。但近年来,香蕉生产受到严重的病虫危害。大多数香蕉栽培品种是三倍体,生长周期长,而且不孕。由于没有种子,给繁殖和育种带来一定的困难。遗传转化技术的发展为香蕉品种的改良提供了一种有效的手段。香蕉的遗传转化方法有电激法、基因枪法、农杆菌介导法等。农杆菌介导法的应用是香蕉品种改良的一个重大突破。香蕉遗传转化的外植体也发展到多种,有原生质体,胚性细胞悬浮系,分生组织,以及横切薄片等。近几年,随着分子生物学的发展,出现了转化效率更高,重复性更好的香蕉遗传转化技术。如农杆菌和基因枪结合法,离心辅助农杆菌介导法、真空渗透技术等。这些新技术新方法的出现,必将推动香蕉产业高速发展。 Banana is an important staple food and source of carbohydrates in developing counties of tropical and subtropical. But many pests and diseases have significantly affected banana cultivation. Most cultivars of banana are triploid, long life cycle, and sterility, which resulted in difficulty for its reproduction and breeding. In order to conquer limitations of conventional breeding and to improve cultivars qualities, transgenic approaches have been introduced. The development of transgenic Musa plants has been achieved using electroporation, microprojectile bombardment procedure, and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation etc. The successful application of Agrobacterium- mediated transformation protocol is a great breakthrough in the development of banana cultivars improvement. The explants of the genetic transformation of Musa have developed into protoplast, embryogenic cell suspensions, meristematic tissues and thin cell layer. Presently, with the advancement of biology, some more efficient genetic transformation methods including integrated bombardment and Agrobacterium transformation, centrifugation-assisted Agrobacterium-mediated transformation (CAAT) protocol, and vacuum infiltration technique have been developed and made great progress, which will accelerate the progress of banana breeding.