作 者: ;
机构地区: 西南政法大学
出 处: 《黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报》 2007年第5期95-98,共4页
摘 要: 判例制度是由个案中导出法律规则,再将这些规则适用于个别的案件,规则的产生是个别的,这就赋予了法官较多的自由裁量权。为防止法官滥用自由裁量权,判例必须是遵循严格的程序和具备一定的要素才能得以形成。考察两大法系国家的判例制度并结合我国的具体情况,中国判例制度应该包括:司法独立、完善的审级制度、高素质的法官、法官享有司法解释权、论证充分的判决书和得到及时整理和汇编的判例等方面生成要素。 Case law is deducing legal rule from single case,then applying the rule to separate cases.The birth of rule was individual and this give judges more discretion.But how to prevent judges from abusing discretion? The fundamental way is that precedent must follow strict procedure and formed certain elements.Inspecting the case law of two legal systems and the legal practice of our country,the formative element of Chinese case law should involve: judicial independence,perfect judicial hierarchy system,high cali...
领 域: [政治法律]