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Sales Mode Selection of Fresh E-commerce with Asymmetric Production Cost Information

作  者: ; ;

机构地区: 广东工业大学管理学院

出  处: 《中国管理科学》 2023年第6期153-163,共11页

摘  要: 随着电子商务的快速发展,生鲜产品也开始“触网”通过在线平台进行销售,而在生鲜电商销售中存在平台与自营两种销售模式,那么电商企业和生产商如何选择销售模式呢?生鲜产品的产出质量/合格率受到生产商投入的生产努力水平影响,而电商企业与生产商之间存在生产成本信息不对称,这将导致电商企业不能准确了解生鲜产品的合格率。为了提升在线销售生鲜产品的质量水平,电商企业将对生产商供应或销售的生鲜产品进行抽样检测,但是电商企业却不一定能发现所有不合格的生鲜产品。与此同时,生产商或电商企业在运输过程中付出的保鲜努力也将影响消费者收到生鲜产品的质量。对此,本文在考虑生鲜产品的生产成本信息不对称和检测不确定性的基础上,利用博弈理论分别构建了平台和自营两种销售模式下的供应链决策模型,探讨生产商与电商企业的最优决策行为及销售模式选择。首先,分析平台销售模式下生产商的最优生产努力水平与保鲜努力水平、电商企业的最优分成比例以及双方的最优期望收益,研究发现:生鲜产品检测可靠性的提高并不一定带来电商企业或生产商收益的增加,且生产成本信息的不对称也不一定会损害双方的利益。其次,分析自营销售模式下生产商与电商企业的最优决策及其收益,同样可得与平台销售模式类似的结论。然后,对比平台和自营销售模式下双方的均衡决策可知:生产商可能因生产成本的信息不对称,转为选择自营模式;而电商企业不管生产成本是否存在信息不对称,都倾向于选择平台模式。最后,通过数值分析证实了上述结论。 In recent years,the tremendous growth of the e-commerce industry are witnessed by us,and a large number of manufacturers who produce fresh products have started to sell through online platforms(e.g.,JD.com and Tmall).In practice,the online platforms can choose to act as online marketplaces for the manufacturers(i.e.,agency selling).Under this selling format,the manufacturers participate on the platforms by paying a proportional fee and directly sell their products to customers at a selling price.Besides,the platforms can also act as resellers for the manufacturers(i.e.,reselling).Under this selling format,the manufacturers sell their products to the platforms at a wholesale price and then the platforms sell the products to customers at a selling price.This raises an important question of which selling format should both the online platforms and the manufacturers adopt.In fresh-product e-commerce supply chains,the upstream manufacturers often need to determine the optimal production levels by incurring costs,and the costs are uncertain to the downstream online platforms.The platforms thus cannot infer the qualification rate and will carry out sampling test to improve the quality level of the products,although the platforms fail to find out all unqualified products.Moreover,if the agency selling(reselling)format is employed,the manufacturers(online platforms)would improve the freshness of the products by incurring costs as much as possible.It is investigated how the production costs’information asymmetry and the accuracy of the sampling test affect the selling format selections of the platforms and manufacturers.To this end,the game theory is ued to establish decision-making models of a fresh-product e-commerce supply chain with a manufacturer and an online platform under two common-seen selling formats(i.e.,agency selling and reselling)in the presence of information asymmetry of the manufacturer's production cost and the accuracy of the sampling test.It aims to discuss the optimal decision-making of the manufact

关 键 词: 生鲜电商 成本信息不对称 质量检测 销售模式选择

领  域: [经济管理—国民经济]


作者 吴燮坤
作者 祁雁凌
作者 杨春雨
作者 刘伟业
作者 吕春林


机构 广东科技学院
机构 广州番禺职业技术学院
机构 广州城建职业学院
机构 中山大学新华学院
机构 华南理工大学


作者 张岩鸿